Podzim a zima 1950: Do Týnce se po sebevraždě statkáře Konvalinky vrací jeho dcera, bývalá jeptiška. Zjitřené náboženské cítění a odpor proti násilné kolektivizaci vedou k tragickým událostem, které vyvrcholí během štědrovečerní noci... Tato syrová balada je jedním z nejpůsobivějších filmů autorské dvojice Karla Kachyni a Jana Procházky.
One day of autumn 1950, during the forced collectivization, the farmers lead their cattle into the common stables of the new cooperative. The cooperative's chairman, Picin, publicly calls out the farmers' names. Only one among the farmers - the rich farmer Konvalinka - opposes the imposed violence in a horrific way, shooting all his cattle and himself committing suicide. The village witnesses the return of Konvalinka's daughter, nicknamed Miss (Jana Brejchová), a former nun whose cloister was closed by the new regime. She is running the remaining property alone, only with the help of the village fool Ambroz (Gustáv Valach).
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