Майор спецназа Илья молод, красив и, можно сказать, счастлив! Он женится, и для него это выгодная партия — его жена не красавица, зато дочка богатых родителей. Однако в день свадьбы начинается кошмар. Убита Яна Яновская — бывшая любовница Ильи, пришедшая его поздравить, и его подозревают в убийстве.
The major of special forces Ilya is young, beautiful and, we can say, happy! He marries, and for him it is a profitable party — his wife is not beautiful, but the daughter of rich parents. However, on the wedding day begins a nightmare. Yana Yanovskaya — the former mistress of Ilya who came to congratulate him is killed, and he is suspected of murder. The investigation begins, during which it turns out that Ilya is innocent. However, the shadow of suspicion still hanging over him, and, wishing to prove that he is innocent, Ilya begins his own investigation. He finds the real killer — and this discovery will stun him…
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