妮娜·吳(Nina Wu),一個女孩,為了追求女星的夢想,離開了小劇團前往大城市。等待似乎是無止境的,因為她過著孤獨而被壓抑的生活,加上世襲的狀況,她患有輕微的抑鬱症。一天,她在70年代的間諜電影中扮演女主角的角色。決定將自己完全投入到角色中後,她竭盡所能來扮演角色,並且成功了。當她終於歡迎她的成名期時,一系列不幸的事件和威脅開始困擾著她。尼娜(Nina)不得不像其他許多未成年人一樣,在性別平等和性平等方面努力掙扎,是否能與生活中的各種困難作鬥爭並保持不敗?還是現實生活中,沒有人能擺脫無盡的磨難?
Nina Wu, a girl who leaves small theatre company in the country for the big city in pursuit of her actress dream. The wait seems to be endless, as she lives a lonely and repressed life combined with hereditary condition, she suffers from minor depression. One day, she gets a role as a heroine in a 70s espionage film. Having decided to devote herself completely to the character, she did everything she could to get the role and she did succeed. When she finally welcomes her long anticipation of fame, series of unfortunate events and threats start to haunt her. Having to struggle her way through gender and sexuality equality, can Nina, like many other minor individual fight against the odds in life and stand undefeated? Or is it just real life that no one can escape from endless hardships?