1945年8月9日、爆心地から1.4キロ離れた病院で働く青年医師・秋月辰一郎は自ら被爆しながらも必死の治療を続ける。 苦悩から生まれた人類愛への目覚め、そして再生へと向かう40日間。 美しいアンゼラスの鐘が時を告げた浦上天主堂近くの浦上第一病院で起こった真実の物語。
August 1945. In a converted theological seminary on the outskirts of Nagasaki, a young doctor works to help his patients, as unsettling news comes of a new weapon used by the Americans on the city of Hiroshima. When the second nuclear weapon is dropped on Nagasaki, the hospital staff must work to save lives in the midst of the concentric circles of death that their city has become.