The film starts with Lale, the youngest of the five sisters and the protagonist, bidding an emotional farewell at school to her female teacher, who is moving to Istanbul. The sisters decide to walk home instead of taking a van, to enjoy the sunny day. Along the way, they play in the water at the beach with their classmates. For one game, they sit on boys' shoulders and try to knock each other off. When they reach home, their grandmother scolds and hits them for their having this kind of bodily contact with boys and thus "pleasuring themselves" with them. Their uncle Erol is equally furious. From then on, the girls are forbidden from leaving the house, even for school.
C'est le début de l'été. Dans un village reculé de Turquie, Lale et ses quatre sœurs rentrent de l’école en jouant avec des garçons et déclenchent un scandale aux conséquences inattendues. La maison familiale se transforme progressivement en prison, les cours de pratiques ménagères remplacent l’école et les mariages commencent à s’arranger. Les cinq sœurs, animées par un même désir de liberté, détournent les limites qui leur sont imposées.
Português - Portugal
русский язык