Veuve depuis plusieurs années, Fang Xiuying, 68 ans, est née à Huzhou, dans la région du Fujian où elle travaillait comme ouvrière agricole. Elle a souffert les dernières années de sa vie de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Après avoir été hospitalisée en 2015, elle a été renvoyée chez elle pour y mourir, entourée de sa famille. Mais la mort est longue à venir…
67-летняя Фан Сюин живет в небольшой деревушке на юге Китая. На протяжении нескольких лет она страдает болезнью Альцгеймера, симптомы которой прогрессировали, а лечение не помогало, из-за чего ее отправили домой. Сейчас она прикована к постели и окружена родственниками и соседями, которые составляют ей компанию в последние дни жизни.
중국 하층민의 삶을 카메라에 담은 왕빙 감독의 신작. 알츠하이머병을 앓는 미세스 팡의 마지막 모습을 섬세하게 그리고 시적으로 표현한다. 슬픔과 불안의 순간, 그리고 죽음을 맞이하는 숭고의 순간을 영화적으로 담아낸다.
Fang Xiu Ying ha settanta anni e soffre d'Alzheimer, nonostante ciò è perfettamente consapevole che la sua vita sta volgendo al termine. Decide così di riunire parenti e amici per l'ultimo saluto.
Fang Xiuying was a farm worker born in Huzhou, Fujian in 1948. For the last eight years of her life she suffered from Alzheimer's. By 2015 the symptoms were quite advanced. Treatment in a convalescent home was ineffective, so in June 2016 it was discontinued and she returned home. We filmed some scenes of her everyday life in 2015, then returned in June 2016 and filmed the last ten days of her life. The film shows the feelings of a person nearing death, and the reality of her relatives' and neighbours' attitudes towards a person about to leave this life.
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