Yuta, a young master at the Tsukiji Fish Market, accidentally drops his meal of mixed seafood into the Sumida River. Some time afterwards a gigantic mutated squid monster arises from the depths and begins to wreak havoc upon an awe-stricken Tokyo. Attempts by the Japan Self-Defense Forces to stop the creature prove futile. As it seems things couldn’t get any worse an enormous mutant octopus monster emerges from the deep and heads into a clash of the titans with the gargantuan squid! As a last ditch effort, the government forms the “Seafood Monster Attack Team (SMAT)” and an all-new plan of attack is immediately put into action. But just as the tide appears to be turning in humanity’s favor, a colossal crab monster appears, joining in the Monster Seafood Wars and plunging the world into culinary chaos…
If You Eat This Monster It's Crazy-Delicious!
Yuta, un joven experto del mercado de pescado Tsukiji, deja caer accidentalmente su comida preparada de diferentes pescados y productos marinos al río Sumida. Tiempo después, unos monstruos calamar mutantes gigantescos salen de las profundidades del mar para atacar Tokyo. Siendo las fuerzas de defensa inútiles para detener a los monstruos, el gobierno forma el "Seafood Monster Attack Team (SMAT)", con un nuevo plan para acabar con los monstruos.