À la faveur des 400 ans de son baptême, une plongée jubilatoire au cœur de l’œuvre de Molière, artiste favori du Roi-Soleil et témoin lucide de son époque comme des petitesses et grandeurs humaines.
Molière revolutionized the theatre by bringing to the stage, with lucidity and a dazzling modernity, the issues of his time: the education of women, social violence, the excesses of religion and the omnipotence of medicine. A painter of his contemporaries, this fabulous inventor of forms revolutionized acting with a less declamatory and more natural approach. Molière was loved and admired, but also mocked, attacked and the victim of cabals. Able to respond to a commission in a matter of days, he was also able to create delightful royal entertainments, and his relationship with Louis XIV, of whom he remained one of the favorite artists, allows us to better understand his theatre and his privileged status.