In the small town of Minamata in, the fertilizer company Chisso built a factory to take advantage of cheap labor and commenced dumping mercury-filled wastewater into the nearby sea. Soon residents began exhibiting symptoms of a mysterious illness...
- Minamata: Kanja-san to sono sekai
- Minamata - Kanjasan to sono sekai
In the small town of Minamata in, the fertilizer company Chisso built a factory to take advantage of cheap labor and commenced dumping mercury-filled wastewater into the nearby sea. Soon residents began exhibiting symptoms of a mysterious illness...
In the small town of Minamata in, the fertilizer company Chisso built a factory to take advantage of cheap labor and commenced dumping mercury-filled wastewater into the nearby sea. Soon residents began exhibiting symptoms of a mysterious illness...
In the small town of Minamata in, the fertilizer company Chisso built a factory to take advantage of cheap labor and commenced dumping mercury-filled wastewater into the nearby sea. Soon residents began exhibiting symptoms of a mysterious illness...
A documentary about the plight of the victims of Minamata disease, which was caused by the ingestion of fish containing abnormal amounts of mercury released into the sea by a fertilizer factory owned by the Chisso company.
First the Fish Go Mad, Then the Islanders Begin to Die.
上世纪70年代,由50-60年代高速增长的经济所带来的环境问题已受到了广泛的关注。这其中最具破坏性的事件之一便是日本九州岛Chisso公司所引起的汞中毒事件。在那里,摄制组跟随记录了29户受害者家庭的生活以及扩大的支援活动。伴随着土本典昭自己冷静的叙述,影片探究一个常人眼中的病人的世界 ——不仅仅是受害者,他们既是病人也是正常人,是工人也是渔民。
1950년대와 60년대의 경제 개발을 거치며 누적된 공해문제는 70년대에 폭발하고야 만다. 그중에서도 가장 대표적인 사건은 미나마타 지역에 위치한 치소비료공장에서 유출된 수은 오염으로 인한 미나마타병의 발병이었다. 영화에서, 감독은 29명의 환자로 추정되는 주민들의 생활을 따라간다. 츠치모토 감독의 나레이션을 따라, 환자들의 세계와 그들의 이웃을 관찰하며, 노동자와 어부의 세계를 넘나든다.
上世纪70年代,由50-60年代高速增长的经济所带来的环境问题已受到了广泛的关注。这其中最具破坏性的事件之一便是日本九州岛Chisso公司所引起的汞中毒事件。在那里,摄制组跟随记录了29户受害者家庭的生活以及扩大的支援活动。伴随着土本典昭自己冷静的叙述,影片探究一个常人眼中的病人的世界 ——不仅仅是受害者,他们既是病人也是正常人,是工人也是渔民。
En 1971, ce film sera le premier à rendre compte du drame de Minamata. Depuis longtemps, une grosse usine de produits chimiques de la Société Chisso est installée dans cette ville située sur l'île de Kyushu, au sud du Japon. Les déchets de l'usine, renfermant des composés mercuriques, sont rejetés à la mer. Les premiers cas de la maladie de Minamata sont enregistrés en 1956. Pendant des années, les cas se multiplient, de nombreux enfants naissent malformés. La Société Chisso refuse pourtant de reconnaître ses responsabilités. Des comités de soutien aux victimes s'organisent et les manifestations se multiplient.
O documentário segue as vidas de 29 pescadores de Minamata, em Kyushu, contaminados por um derrame de mercúrio no mar causado por uma empresa local.
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