MIKI je príbeh muža, ktorý sa vráti zo zahraničia naspäť do svojej rodnej dediny, do krajiny, ktorá sa rýchlo mení a v ktorej sa otvárajú nové veľké možnosti aj v oblasti organizovaného zločinu. Miki, pôvodným povolaním šofér autobusu, v sebe postupne objaví a aktivuje schopnosti na to, aby vybudoval jednu z najväčších a najobávanejších mafiánskych skupín v krajine.
MIKI is about a Slovak village man working in the woods in Germany and barely making any money who, after his father's death, decides to take the chances that 1990s post-communist Slovakia offers for business and becomes a mafia mobster in order to provide for his family. He starts his business by using his contacts at a local level. Soon after, his ambition, arrogance and conviction on his motivations take him to finish of his rivals and become the biggest mafia boss in Slovakia, exactly the same reasons that will put his position in danger when messing up with politics. What terrifies him most, even more than being killed or locked up, is his mother and wife knowing about his activities. MIKI will explore the themes of greed, power, loyalty and family.