Nad královským hradem krouží stín velikého draka, princezna Karolína si s pláčem zkouší černé smuteční šaty a na nádvoří hoduje pár pozvaných princů. Při dobrém jídle probírají, co by se mělo podniknout. První princ navrhuje nabídnout drakovi místo princezny pár set poddaných, druhý zase soudí, že v království zanedbali prevenci a že by se to drakovi mělo rozmluvit, a třetí princ o tom pro změnu zase složil píseň. Ale postavit se drakovi se žádnému z nich nechce...
The shadow of a huge dragon is circling above the royal castle, Princess Karolína is trying on black clothes of mourning with tears in her eyes and a few invited princes are feasting in the castle's court. They are discussing what to do over some good food. The first prince proposes offering the dragon a few hundred vassals in place of the Princess, the second is of the opinion that the kingdom neglected to take preventative measures and that they should try to reason with the dragon and the third prince, for a change, has written another song. But none of them wants to stand up to the dragon. And so it is up to the puppeteer Vítek, who has to gather up all his courage and, for his love for the princess, plunge into a futile fight...