Roman is a psychologist, but does not seem to do much, and he is useless at housekeeping. He has far more important things on his mind: his birds. THE SOUND OF RUSSIA is a light-hearted portrait of a group of passionate bird lovers in Russia. It’s a mixed bunch, coming from all strata of society and corners of the country. They have found each other as members of the Society of Amateur Canary Bird Singing. With the patience of saints, they train their caged darlings for the national canary bird singing contest, an annual event where the yellow birds are supposed to render their very best songs within the constraints of a fifteen minute time-limit. The men’s wives are not very appreciative of all the fuss over these birds and their singing. Indeed, some of them are terribly annoyed by the incessant twittering around the house and the ever-growing number of cages and birds. But this is only logical, since the singing of canaries is purely a man’s affair.
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