影片讲述了王稳重(王太利 饰)和叶明珠(柳岩 饰)带着弟弟(王珞嘉 饰)在孟巴做导游,三人组建的旅行社名为三顺SSS,意为顺风顺水顺心,但命运和他们开了个大玩笑,“三顺SSS”变爆笑“三傻”,阴差阳错被前来参加医疗峰会的陈教授(何绍宏 饰)当成了国际保镖。为了巨额报酬, 三人选择将计就计假戏真做,冒充国际保镖保护教授。在护送途中,三人不断与暗杀教授的杀手(斯力更 饰)斗智斗勇,但对手的强大已经远远超过了他们的想象,面对巨额佣金与未知危机,冒牌保镖小队该何去何从?
Three friends, Wang Taili, Liu Yan, and Wang Luojia, decide to form their own tour guide company in Burma. One of their first clients is Professor Chen, a highly respected medical expert who will be speaking at an upcoming summit. Due to his position, the professor is worried about his safety so the tour guides jokingly agree to be his personal bodyguards. When the threat turns out to be real, however, the guides suddenly realize that they are going up against a professional killer.