Елена мечтала выйти замуж за аспиранта Костю, а стала женой Петра – не по своей воле! Родилась дочь, но Елена так и не смогла полюбить жестокого деревенского мужика. Однажды муж избил ее до полусмерти. Истекая кровью, женщина бежала из дома. Так начались скитания Елены.
Elena wanted to marry a graduate student Kostya, but she became Peter's wife-not by her own will! A daughter was born, but Elena could not fall in love with a cruel village man. Once her husband beat her to a pulp. Bleeding, the woman ran from the house. Thus began Elena's wanderings. A lot of trials were in store for her: meeting with Gypsies, living in a monastery, working as a governess in the house of a criminal authority. She was ready to endure any difficulties, just to take away her beloved daughter from her fanatic husband. And then came the news that Peter and her baby had died in a burning house. Past year. Elena remarried and became a famous writer. But the fullness of happiness she could not experience: the memory of her dead daughter tormented her mother's heart.
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