Wai was a stuntman who was lazy, loved to dream and afraid to die. He loaned a large amount of money from some bad persons. His wife abandoned him and quit. Also, he will never been employed in his business in stunt. He then wanted to suicide from taking drugs. But after he had taken the drugs, he discovered that had won the first prize in mark six at the same time. He was then sent to hospital. But he was afraid his winning ticket would be theft away. At the end, he hid it inside a TV-set. Unfortunately, the bad persons who loaned to him before came to his home and sold out all the electronic appliances in his home for money. Lastly, a good man bought the TV-set and donated it to the poor persons in Guangxi. Wai traced to Guangxi. But he was robbed by a bad taxi driver and stayed there. Fortunately, he encountered a nice girl called Luk Wan. She took him to her home for a temporary accommodation. At the same time, his TV-set was sent to the same village of Luk Wan. Hilarity ensues.
在香港电影公司当替身的阿伟(欧阳震华 饰)生性十分胆怯,为了壮胆,更经常讲大话,众人对他都十分不齿。一次拍戏时,阿伟因为胆怯不敢演,被公司开除了。妻子小雯(罗慧娟 饰)得知丈夫这样懦弱,不辞而别了。失业又失婚的阿伟真是万念俱灰,决定喝毒药自杀。就在阿伟喝下毒药时,上天跟他开了个玩笑,他赫然发现自己的彩票中了头奖。偏巧这时贵利上门讨债,阿伟急中生智将彩票塞入电视机缝后马上赶往了医院。本以为出院后就能变成百万富翁,岂料阿伟回家后发现家中已经被贵利洗劫一空,那台藏着彩票的电视机亦不翼而飞!为了那张能改变自己一生命运的彩票,阿伟踏上了旅程。