Ashley Mackenzie has always been the preeminent “Christmas Queen” in town. From making hand-crafted decorations for the office to hosting the town’s annual Christmas sweater competition, she loves everything about the holiday. That is, until she meets her match in Ben Williams, a devilishly handsome new guy in town, who loves Christmas just as much as she does – and unwittingly begins to steal her thunder. But as Ashley begins to feel like Ben is taking Christmas away from her, she’s reminded of the true spirit of the holiday, and joins forces with him to make this Christmas even more meaningful.
Ashley è sempre stata "la regina del Natale". Dalle decorazioni all'organizzazione del concorso per i migliori maglioni, adora tutto ciò che ha a che fare con lo spirito natalizio. Ben presto, incontra qualcun altro che ama il Natale tanto quanto lei: Ben, un bel ragazzo appena arrivato in città. Unendo le loro forze, renderanno il Natale più magico e significativo che mai.
Entre les objets qu'elle fabrique pour décorer le magasin de cadeaux où elle travaille et ses victoires au concours annuel de biscuits faits maison, Ashley a la réputation d'être la reine de Noël. Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre Ben, le fils du patron, qui devient son co-équipier et compte bien moderniser l’image du magasin…