During Bo (Charmaine Sheh) and Cheong's (Alex Fong) wedding reception, a video clip intending to show their journey of love suddenly flashes a clip of Cheong being intimate with another woman. This leads to the cancellation of the wedding. A year has passed and the single Bo and flirty Cheong maintains their relationship as good friends. One day, the womanizer Cheong brings the conservative Bo to a wife swapping party, at the party, they meet Kit (Him Law) and his wife Man Lai (Kelly Fu). The four developed a romantic and passionate relationship...
阿宝(佘诗曼 饰)在与Ryan(方力申 饰)婚礼一个月前,拿到了对方的手机并得到了其中的自拍偷情视频,在二人的婚礼上,阿宝为报复丈夫,将视频当众播放并宣布即刻离婚。但离婚的两人并未割断联系,阿宝租用Ryan的铺面开店,而Ryan则不时需要前妻救场,来赶走那些粘人不放的小情人。Ryan以给前妻找男友为借口,将阿宝诓骗到换妻聚会中,并结识了世杰(罗仲谦 饰)夫妻俩,Ryan与世杰妻子曼丽寻欢,而世杰亦对阿宝动心并展开攻势,阿宝防线终被世杰击破,但他们的交往却引起Ryan醋意。经此一事,Ryan意识到自己始终在乎阿宝,试图挽回失去的爱人…