While 23 years old nightporter Romain Esnart dreams about writing a great novel his father becomes a pensioner. Romain's father Michel doesn't like his new life and neither does his wife Nathalie like to have him around moping all the time. When Romain's 85 years old grandmother Madeleine runs away from a retirement home, the family friction is rocketing. Eventually Romain receives a postcard from Madeleine who visits Normandy. He borrows his father's car and joins her. As he learns she once attended a certain school when she was a little girl. Thanks to an understanding female young teacher she is allowed to get to know the pupils who are now as old as she was when she had to leave back then. Yet in the end it turns out that all this joy has been too exciting for her health. Time has come for Romain to say ''adieu''.
Romain a 23 ans. Il aimerait être écrivain mais, pour l'instant, il est veilleur de nuit dans un hôtel. Son père a 62 ans. Il part à la retraite et fait semblant de s'en foutre. Son colocataire a 24 ans. Il ne pense qu'à une chose : séduire une fille, n'importe laquelle et par tous les moyens. Sa grand-mère a 85 ans. Elle se retrouve en maison de retraite et se demande ce qu'elle fait avec tous ces vieux.
Un jour son père débarque en catastrophe. Sa grand-mère a disparu. Elle s'est évadée en quelque sorte. Romain part à sa recherche, quelque part dans ses souvenirs…