In a small village deep within the forests of Sri Lanka, everyone follows the teachings of a monk, with the exception of one hunter. While no one dares to kill in accordance with the monk’s teachings, the lone hunter hunts and provides meat for everyone. Meanwhile, beautiful villager Gomari is killed by a leopard, but no one knows this. Suspecting what happened to Gomari, the hunter begs the monk to cancel the upcoming full moon rituals, but the monk refuses, believing in the inevitability of fate. The hunter that never kills unless absolutely necessary must now hunt alone for the leopard that will attack humans.
고마리라는 소녀가 표범에게 공격 당한 이후, 표범의 생사 여부를 두고 한 사냥꾼과 승려 간에 충돌이 생긴다. 생존을 위해 사냥을 하는 것과 종교적인 믿음을 위해 사람을 사냥하는 것의 철학적 차이를 둘러싼 근본적인 논쟁의 핵심을 찾아본다.