Sposati da 25 anni una coppia ha due figli gemelli di 17 anni dai caratteri completamente opposti: Tina è ribelle, Nico invece è spesso chiuso nella sua stanza a giocare con i videogames. Il 4 giugno avranno l'occasione per festeggiare il passaggio all'età adulta con un mega party che finirà in un finimondo. Ma delle magiche candeline daranno possibilità ai frustrati genitori di poter rimediare, forse.
Max and Anna Mancini have been married for 25 years and have two teenage children. The two boys, although they are twins, are characteristically antipodes: Tina is rebellious and little studious; Nico is calm, lonely and has the obsession of video games. There is a constant war between parents and children, which reaches its peak on the day of the twins' 18th birthday, when the party at home, which had been granted to them, degenerates. Max and Anna realize they don’t know anything about those two teenagers, they wonder where they went wrong and think back with nostalgia to the times when Tina and Nico were adorable wrens to protect. But do they really remember what happened? At the end of that disastrous evening, there is a second chance for Anna and Max, to see clearly in the relationship with their children and try, where possible, not to repeat the same mistakes.