Jamais l’Inde n’avait été aussi puissante sur la scène internationale. Jamais non plus "la plus grande démocratie du monde", selon un cliché toujours en vigueur, n'avait mis en œuvre une politique aussi ouvertement nationaliste, pro-religion (en l’occurrence l’hindouisme) et autoritaire que celle du Premier ministre Narendra Modi, chef de file du BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party, nationaliste hindou).
Never before has India been so powerful on the international scene. Never before has "the world's largest democracy," according to an ever-present cliché, implemented a policy as openly nationalistic, pro-religion (in this case Hinduism) and authoritarian as that of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the BJP, the Indian People's Party. Triumphantly re-elected in May 2019, after succeeding the sixty-year rule of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty in 2014, he has methodically built up a power that he is constantly strengthening, with a double revenge to take on history: to restore what he presents as the original purity of India before the Mughal and British invasions, and to give it a central place in the international order. According to him, "the 21st century will be the century of India".