In una notte di luna piena, un bambino emerge dalle acque di un lago e fa ritorno a casa. Si chiama Alessandro, ha sette anni, un'ossessione per la fisica meccanica e le dinamiche biologiche, oltre ad una strana fobia per l'acqua. Durante quella stessa notte, Alessandro ha sabotato i freni dell'auto dello zio Claudio, causando un incidente in cui restano coinvolti lui e la madre Giulia, insegnante di nuoto con la quale il piccolo vive da solo da quando è morto suo padre. Condotto in commissariato per far luce sulla vicenda, Alessandro dovrà spiegare i fatti più recenti e far riemergere i più remoti ricordi per comprendere le ragioni che lo hanno portato a quel tragico gesto.
Alessandro, the young protagonist of this story, lost his father when he was very little. He lives with his mother, Giulia, a swimming teacher, in a nice house in the hills just outside of town. It's a bright day. He is awakened by a car's engine noise. Something is wrong: he sees his mother leaving with his uncle Claudio and starts running after them, terrified, screaming. He can't stop her. The car is in a terrible collision and Alessandro gets to the accident scene only to see the ambulance leaving with its siren full on. Alessandro is taken to the police station. He's in a state of shock. An inspector looks after him. Crying, Alessandro confesses to sabotaging the car brakes and causing the accident. The inspector is a special guy. He manages to calm him down and makes him tell his story, starting from the day uncle Claudio came back to their home. Claudio is his father's brother and had not seen him since he was two years old