Nový televizní film z cyklu, ve kterém vždy půjde o složitý osud výrazné ženské osobnosti. Pod názvem Holky šikovný vzniknou příběhy, na nichž se budou významně podílet ženy – scenáristky, dramaturgyně, režisérky, herečky. Zuzana Stivínová v hlavní roli tohoto televizního filmu bojuje s nebezpečnou nemocí. S celou rodinou odejde na venkov pěstovat kozy a změnit životosprávu. Velkým vzorem je pro ni stará paní, výrazná venkovská autorita, která ji přesvědčí, že právě kozí mléko jí nejvíc pomůže.
Jana fights a fatal disease and goes to the countryside with her husband Mirek and two children to raise goats and change lifestyle. A great role model for her is an old lady, a strong rural authority who will convince her that goat's milk will help her the most. 16-year-old Johana does not welcome the parents' decision to move to the countryside, which makes everyone feel right. On the other hand, eight-year-old Marek settles down quite quickly in the new environment. Babi Ciháková, the quirky woman is respected in a wide area. Her ability to estimate the health problems of her neighbors and how they could help themselves also works in the case of Jana and Mirek as a strong inspiration for the further course of things. Jana first takes goats as a recreation, but goat farming soon pulls her down. After a while, the grandmother from the neighborhood falls ill and persuades her to take over her goat herd