Kokusai himitsu keisatsu: Kagi no kagi is the fourth instalment of five films in the "Kokusai himitsu keisatsu" series. The film is a parody of James Bond-style spy movies, and was used by Woody Allen, along with footage from the third instalment, in one of his first films, "What's Up, Tiger Lily?", in which the original dialogue is redubbed in English to make the plot about a secret egg salad recipe.
- International Secret Police: Key of Keys
Kitami es solicitada por el director de inteligencia, Suritai, para robar una gran cantidad de dinero de la guerrilla contra el gobierno que financian las bandas de Gegen. Sin embargo, una vez Kitami se infiltra en una nave Gegen disfrazada, descubre que no hay dinero en la caja fuerte, sólo un cifrado en un pedazo de papel.
Português - Brasil
српски језик
yângâ tî sängö