“The more women express their opinions, the more interesting sake will become.”
女釀酒師今田美穗承繼了家族的清酒生意,不斷改良酒廠配方,成為清酒業的大家姐。著名侍酒師千葉麻里繪成名之前,在各大酒廠為清酒貼上標籤起逐步達成夢想。今天的她已自立門戶,研發多項佳餚搭配百家清酒,更精釀製作自家口味的清酒。來自新西蘭的品酒師Rebekah Wilson-Lye嚐盡日本各地的清酒,促成國際知名藝術家村上隆與傳統酒廠合作,將清酒帶到國際鎂光燈下。數百年前,絕不會有人幻想過,清酒能開闢出一介嶄新「女流」。這次就讓我們在銀幕前,細嚐她們一手釀製的清酒,讓芳香滲透心頭,醉解千愁。
Sake is a traditional alcoholic beverage from Japan and is otherwise known as rice wine. Women were prohibited from entering the many large and small sake breweries dotting Japan for centuries. However, times have changed and women are present on the sake scene today. In several cases, they are integral to the Japanese brewery business. The documentary depicts women who are not only enthusiasts, but also leaving their marks on the evolution of this Japanese mainstay.