悪徳政治家 土門の女の世話係になったチンピラの達男。恋人レンコが、土門に友人が重症を負わされたことを組長の亜仁丸に抗議して殺されてしまう。最愛のレンコを失った達男は土門への復讐を誓い土門の隠し金を盗む。一旦は成功したかに思えたが、すぐに亜仁丸にバレてしまい組から追われる身となる。逃亡途中、達男は日系ペルー人の運転するタクシーに乗る。
A young foot soldier in the yakuza seeks revenge when his prostitute girlfriend dies after a session with a high-ranking Japanese politician with a taste for torture. He sets out on a 'kamikaze' mission to kill his bosses and the politician; along the way, he acquires the aid of a taxi driver who has recently returned to Japan after living in South America for several decades and is struggling to cope with poverty and the prejudices of native-born Japanese.