Hiya and Megh, two lovebirds, both in their late twenties, Hiya (Payel Sarkar) an aspiring model and Megh (Parabrata) a wannabe musician. Their sweet and loving relationship finally bangs on 'Career or Love - Choose One' and they choose the first option - CAREER. Would they try to decode the meaning of LOVE or will the other important option career come in between their romance. Hiya and Megh, two lovebirds, both in their late twenties, Hiya (Payel Sarkar) an aspiring model and Megh (Parabrata) a wannabe musician. Their sweet and loving relationship finally bangs on 'Career or Love - Choose One' and they choose the first option - CAREER. Would they try to decode the meaning of LOVE or will the other important option career come in between their romance. Only one person can save them and he is - ISHWAR (The Almighty). The old man comes to rescue them - Ishwar - but who is he? Is he GOD? Or is he just another poor soul who once got lost in that same labyrinth called LOVE? —Director