デビュー10周年を迎え、順風満帆なi☆Ris。しかし、ある考えが突然彼らの頭をよぎりました。 「10年後の私たちはどうなっているだろう?」 コンサート当日、i☆Risの楽屋に届いたTシャツグッズの中から謎の白いしゃべるリスが突然出現!突然、あなたは眩しい光に包まれる。光が降り注ぐと、目の前に広がるのは大きな虹が架かる不思議な世界、なんとそこはなりたいものになれる世界、リスリスランドだった!
i☆Ris is enjoying smooth sailing as they celebrate their 10th anniversary since their debut. However, a thought suddenly crossed their minds. "What will we be like in the next 10 years?'' On the day of a concert, a mysterious white talking squirrel suddenly appears from the T-shirt goods delivered to i☆Ris' dressing room! Suddenly, you are enveloped in dazzling light, and what unfolds before your eyes is a mysterious world filled with large rainbows. Surprisingly, this is a world where you can be anything you want to be, Lislis Land!