아카데미 음악상 수상작 "그랜드 부다페스트 호텔"(2014), "셰이프 오브 워터: 사랑의 모양"(2018), 그리고 "진주 귀걸이를 한 소녀"(2004), "탄생"(2004), "더 퀸"(2007), "벤자민 버튼의 시간은 거꾸로 간다"(2009), "킹스 스피치"(2011), "아르고"(2012), "작은 아씨들"(2020) 등 우리가 사랑했던 영화들을 아름다운 선율로 완성, 순간을 영원으로 만드는 영화 음악의 거장 ‘알렉상드르 데스플라’! 웨스 앤더슨, 자크 오디아르, 조지 클루니 등과 함께 한 그의 음악과 영화, 사랑, 인생을 만난다!
Alexandre Desplat is een van de beroemdste componisten van filmmuziek van vandaag. Innovatieve kunstenaar met een enkele uitdrukking, hij is de opvolger van Franse meesters van filmmuziek: Georges Delerue, Antoine Duhamel, Maurice Jarre. Het schrijven van muziek voor films verzamelt zijn twee passies: muziek en cinema. Tussen werksessies, confidences, films en persoonlijke archieven biedt Alexandre Desplat via deze documentaire een geweldig verslag over het creatieve proces en de hedendaagse cinema.
Alexandre Desplat is one of the most famous film music composer of today. Innovative artist with a singular expression, he is the successor of french masters of film music: Georges Delerue, Antoine Duhamel, Maurice Jarre. Writing music for films gather his two passions: music and cinema. Between working sessions, confidences, films and personnal archives, Alexandre Desplat offers, through this documentary, a great record on the creative process and today’s cinema.