Michel known for his sexual prowess hires a young girl, Gisèle to be his servant because she can make good coffee. She is raped by the man and soon becomes her willing sex slave. He slaps her around before making love, which is the only behavior she finds repugnant. She avenges his abusive behavior in a surprise ending.
Michel known for his sexual prowess hires a young girl, Gisèle to be his servant because she can make good coffee. She is raped by the man and soon becomes her willing sex slave. He slaps her around before making love, which is the only behavior she finds repugnant. She avenges his abusive behavior in a surprise ending.
L'"educazione sentimentale"di Giselle, una orfana che viene prima scacciata dall'abitazione della zia perché l'amante della stessa la stava concupiscendo, e che finisce poi a Parigi, dove trova impiego come domestica nella casa di Michel, un bel giovane uomo danaroso che finirà presto per dedicarle attenzioni sessuali fino a quando lei non scoprirà altro sull'amore e sul sesso.
Michel known for his sexual prowess hires a young girl, Gisèle to be his servant because she can make good coffee. She is raped by the man and soon becomes her willing sex slave. He slaps her around before making love, which is the only behavior she finds repugnant. She avenges his abusive behavior in a surprise ending.
Michel known for his sexual prowess hires a young girl, Gisèle to be his servant because she can make good coffee. She is raped by the man and soon becomes her willing sex slave. He slaps her around before making love, which is the only behavior she finds repugnant. She avenges his abusive behavior in a surprise ending.
Michel known for his sexual prowess hires a young girl, Gisèle to be his servant because she can make good coffee. She is raped by the man and soon becomes her willing sex slave. He slaps her around before making love, which is the only behavior she finds repugnant. She avenges his abusive behavior in a surprise ending.
Michel known for his sexual prowess hires a young girl, Gisèle to be his servant because she can make good coffee. She is raped by the man and soon becomes her willing sex slave. He slaps her around before making love, which is the only behavior she finds repugnant. She avenges his abusive behavior in a surprise ending.
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