Yusuke was a middle school teacher. but he quit his job due to problems with student bullying. After he quit, Yusuke learned that the bullied student committed suicide. Yusuke is now at Hotel Kopan to escape from everything. He keeps to himself and works as an employee at the hotel. The owner of the hotel is Sakuragi who wishes the hotel could return to its glory days during the Nagano Olympics. One day, a flurry of guests arrive at the hotel which makes Sakuragi ecstatic. Sakuragi decides to hold a party and invite the guests at his hotel. One of the guests is the mother of the student who committed suicide. Yusuke is distressed all over again. When the party begins, the guests talk about the problems they have.
两年前,原本在东京担任教师职务的海人佑介(市原隼人饰)来到长野县的白马村,在当地的Copain酒店谋得一份差使。1998年竞办长野奥运会的热潮曾让这里喧嚣一阵,而今尘埃落定,白马村在来去匆匆的风潮过后归于寂寥。酒店老板樱木(近藤芳正饰)踌躇满志,渴望重现当年争办奥运时的繁荣,无奈事倍功半,游客数量依然稀少。与樱木的热情形成鲜明对比,工作人员百合(玄理饰)百无聊赖,打发平淡枯燥的工作时间。某天,樱木从一个超市蔬菜促销手段中获得灵感,随即对酒店的主页做了更新。此后不久,大批客人涌入Copain酒店,令其欣喜过望。而其中一名女性客人,让海人佑介的心为之一动。那名女子名叫高井千里(清水美沙饰),她的儿子守(狩野看恭兵 饰)曾是海人的学生。阿守当初饱受欺凌,作为教师的海人虽然有心解围,却爱莫能助,阿守最终选择自杀了断。承受良心苛责的海人因此辞去教师职务,逃到了遥远的白马村。儿子不幸身亡,驱使千里陷入偏执之中。她从酒店的主页发现了海人的身影,因此不远万里追到白马村,这令海人的内心愈加痛苦。