充满正义感的巡山员心岚(小薰 饰)对日覆一日稳定平淡的工作,感到有志难伸的无力,想和男友阿德(苏达饰)分手,离开此地。但要谈分手前,曾是盗木山老鼠的阿德竟先死缠烂打,动之以情,说服嘴硬心软的心岚与他的猎人好友都玛斯(撒基努 饰)一起上山,寻回之前为了避开山老鼠老板而偷偷藏起来的珍贵桧木。 3人在山上意外遇到想不开的表演艺术家派大星(何林骏 饰),为了阻止他自杀,只能软硬兼施,拖着他往山上爬,还顺路救了刚出生的小鹿。他们好不容易爬到了藏桧木的地方,眼前的景象却让阿德傻眼, 此时,心岚也突然表示身为巡山员,一定要奉公执法,必需狠下心来取缔阿德非法盗木,而暗中跟着他们的山老鼠也现身想要抢桧木,众人在山上僵持不下,这场旅程要如何顺利落幕呢?
Righteous mountain patrol officer Xin Lan (Esther HUANG) grows tiresome of the stable but repeated boring life, without realizing any of her dreams. She plans to break up with her boy friend Ah De (Ta SU) and leaves this place. But before the discussion of the breakup, Ah De tries to persuade Xin Lan to go up the mountains with his hunter buddy Dumas, in search of the valuable cypress that they stashed away from the wood thieves. The three of them run into artist Patrick Star, who tries to hang himself. To prevent him from committing suicide, they take him along and then rescue a newborn deer on the way. When they finally reach the spot of hidden cypress, Ah De is dumbfounded by what he sees. Xin Lan also feels that, as a patrol officer, she must follow the protocol and stop Ah-de’s illegal activities. The wood thief that stalks them also shows up, trying to take the cypress from them. With all of them fighting one another, how will this journey end?