Heterofobia relata la rápida caída en el infierno de Mariano, un joven gay que, habiendo sido primero violado y luego rechazado por un amigo heterosexual con quien tenía vagas ilusiones románticas, tiene un recorrido emocional que va desde el sentimiento inicial de culpa y la voluntad mesiánica de redención, hasta llegar, a través de la rabia castradora, a la conclusión final: que la única acción posible contra el patriarcado es la revolución.
Made in the margins of the Argentine audiovisual community (from which some of the creative team have been effectively blacklisted). It was produced according to the precepts of guerrilla film making and it's a romantic torch song--not melancholic, but actually demanding a torch with which to ignite the world. 'Guerrilla film making' as it was first conceived in the Latin America origins of its practice: as an act of cultural resistance that uses production constraints as a starting point to reshape its very language. Thus, marginality goes from limitation to facilitation. The result is always original, because the reality with which the production is confronted is always original. The originality of HETEROPHOBIA is no pose, but part of its nature: rare, subversive, and, literally, outstanding.