La película es sobre la vida y las actividades de Hermógenes Cayo, un artesano de la Puna jujeña que se desempeñó toda su vida como santero y telero donde pintaba retratos con temperas o tallaba imágenes religiosas en madera, así como el medio en el que vivía. Cayo falleció un año antes del estreno del filme en 1968 y en marzo de 2006 sus obras (70 piezas) luego de ser restauradas por la Fundación Antorchas fueron exhibidas en museos.
IMAGINERO is an ethnobiography of Hermogenes Cayo, a self-taught woodcarver and painter who lives on the high Andean plateau of Argentina. The film portrays Hermogenes, his wife Aurelia Kilpe, and their children in their Andean lifestyle, as well as Hermogenes' passion for painting, carving, building, and his devotion to the Virgin Mary. Devout, austere and dedicated to craftsmanship, he can make anything from religious figures carved from cactus wood to a working harmonium. Inspired by a trip to Buenos Aires to advocate for land rights, Hermogenes has labored to replicate the style of the capital's grand cathedral and shrine to the Virgin with resourcefulness and skill.