Joseph Thorne, detective corrotto e dedito alle droghe, ha una straordinaria abilità nel risolvere puzzle. Gli viene assegnato il caso di un serial killer che lascia sulla scena di ogni delitto le dita di un ragazzino ancora vivo. Delitto dopo delitto, ogni traccia lo conduce verso una verità irreale ed inquietante.
Detektyw Joseph Thorne pewnego dnia zostaje wezwany na miejsce drastycznej zbrodni. Przy ofierze znajduje tajemniczy sześcian, który postanawia zabrać ze sobą. Zdarzenie to staje się wstępem do koszmaru, w którym początkowo irracjonalna i nielogiczna gra prowadzona przez Joshepa, stopniowo nabiera tempa. Czy można obudzić się i odkryć, że nie mieszka się już w Mieście Aniołów, a raczej w samym środku piekła.
Joseph Thorne is a corrupt Denver police detective who regularly indulges in drug use and infidelity during the course of duty. At the scene of what appears to be a ritual murder, Thorne discovers a strange puzzle box, which he takes home in order to indulge his fascination with puzzles. After solving the box, Thorne begins to experience bizarre hallucinations, such as being seduced by a pair of mutilated women and being chased by a creature with no eyes or legs. Thorne also makes a connection between the murder and a killer known as "List of Hellraiser characters#Engineer," who is suspected of having kidnapped a child. Thorne goes in search of the Engineer, who in turn begins murdering Thorne's friends and associates, leaving behind one of the child's fingers at every crime scene.
Um policial corrupto de Los Angeles acorda um dia em um mundo habitado por criaturas sádicas e horríveis, e sua única chance de escapar é se apossando do cubo enigmático de Pinhead, a mais temível das criaturas infernais.
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