Una giovane operaia rumena vende tutto ciò che possiede e parte per l'Italia, dove viene accolta da un'altra operaia italiana.
- You Are Afraid of the Dark
Eva - 20 years old, sweet and proud like a nouvelle vague heroine - leaves a factory in Bucharest for the last time. Her contract has not been renewed and she decides the time to leave has come. Her aim is Melfi, a godforsaken town in the South of Italy, famous for its FIAT factory that divides the fields like a scar running between farming and post-industrial civilizations. Having been put up by Anna, a girl of the same age who works at FIAT, Eva starts to follow a group of women, then selects two of them, and, eventually, just one. Eva becomes her shadow, she observes her every movement, she knows her habits and routines. Eva decides to confront her prey in a dramatic face-to-face meeting, a game of cat-and-mouse in which Eva is, at the same time, both pitiless torturer and defenseless victim. Eva and Anna are close, free at last: but if Eva has completed her journey, Anna's is only just beginning...
limba română