台北的漫画作者杨纯纯(应采儿 饰)在爱情的道路上频频遇人不淑,而她作品的销路也日渐下滑。杨父要纯纯陪他回大陆看看长城,却被女儿拒绝,谁料杨父独自前往嘉峪关时急病去世,杨父在弥留之际拜托纯纯找到自己当年在大陆的初恋秀倩,纯纯怀疑父亲曾经在大陆结婚,做出了对不起母亲的事情,决定返回老家一查究竟。此时杨父生前在火车上结识的私家侦探方明迪(佟大为 饰)受杨母委托,为纯纯担任向导,性格不甚合拍的二人一见面即唇枪舌剑,但碍于现实情况又不得不同行。在杨父位于雁门关下的老家,二人查知秀倩远嫁银川,他们为寻找杨父曾经的爱情继续前行,而一场新的爱情,又于他们之间发生……
Chun, 28, Taiwanese, goes on a conflict-packed search journey with her Chinese guide, Ming, to find her father's long-lost first love, XiuQian, in China. Chun's father had promised XiuQian 60 years ago that he'd definitely come back to marry her. But not until recently, Taiwan and China were hostile to each other, he was never able to fulfill his promise. Chun and Ming grew up on two sides of the Taiwan Strait and were brought up with different values. They don't hesitate to cut each other down to size. Their turbulent romance unfolds in tears, laughter and a clash of values. The love story of two generations, across the Taiwan Strait, told with touching drama and biting comedy, is a poignant and entertaining road movie.