Un giovane contadino non ha altra scelta che prendersi cura della fattoria di famiglia, e per affogare la propria frustrazione si rifugia nell'alcol e nel sesso occasionale. L'arrivo di un bracciante rumeno addolcisce e cambia per sempre la sua vita.
Johnny travaille du matin au soir dans la ferme de ses parents, perdue dans le brouillard du Yorkshire. Il essaie d’oublier la frustration de son quotidien en se saoulant toutes les nuits au pub du village et en s’adonnant à des aventures sexuelles sans lendemain. Quand un saisonnier vient travailler pour quelques semaines dans la ferme familiale, Johnny est traversé par des émotions qu’il n’avait jamais ressenties. Une relation intense naît entre les deux hommes, qui pourrait changer la vie de Johnny à jamais.
Johnny Saxby es un joven granjero de Yorkshire que intenta evadirse de sus problemas con el alcohol y el sexo. Cuando llega al pueblo durante la primavera un inmigrante rumano para trabajar en la cría de ovejas, su visión de la vida cambiará de forma radical.
In Yorkshire, Johnny lives on the family farm with his father, Martin, and grandmother, Deirdre. Due to his father's having suffered from a stroke, and his grandmother's age, much of the day-to-day running of the farm falls to Johnny. In his social time, Johnny engages in binge drinking and furtive sexual encounters with other men. Returning late to the farm after such an encounter with a young auctioneer, he is berated by his father because a calf has died from a breech birth in his absence.
位處風景秀麗的英國約克郡,年輕農夫強尼(喬許歐康納 飾)放棄進入都市工作的機會,繼承了家裡的牧羊場,鎮日仰賴酒精和性愛來麻痺自己的沮喪失意;隨著牧羊季節的到來,一名羅馬尼亞臨時工格奧爾基(艾力克薩克魯 飾)前來幫忙處理牧場事務,經過日夜積累的勞動和相處,格奧爾基的溫暖體貼逐漸喚醒強尼內心壓抑許久的真情,兩人不知不覺萌發了難以明說的曖昧情愫,初嘗愛意的強尼卻深陷在困惑糾結的自我矛盾之中…
Johnny trabalha isolado e solitário na fazenda da família, descontando sua frustração em bebidas e sexo casual. Quando seu pai contrata Gheorghe, um imigrante romeno, para ajudar Johnny na fazenda, o novo companheiro traz para ele sentimentos e emoções que ele nunca teve antes.
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