如何才能找到真爱?看看这部影片吧!佛罗莱恩有着一般德国血统、一半法国血统。但他的法式浪漫却被德国姑娘认为极不靠谱,追女屡屡受挫。在柏林开了一家名叫”Le Flo”的法式熟食店,专卖法式蒜味腊肠。当他遇到一位法国导演的女儿卡米尔时,佛罗莱恩一见倾心。他兴奋地向卡米尔求婚,却不知卡米尔已经和一个电影明星订婚了。《美味餐厅》片中的两大元素——美食和爱情,均为屌丝治愈良药,对于真爱的探讨也发人深省。
Florian is half-French, half-German and owns "Le Flo", a French delicatessen in Berlin specializing in Saucisson - French salami. (The Germans can't get enough of it.) Florian's French shop is a success but his love life is a French flop: He always falls in love with French girls, and it always ends badly - usually with something thrown at him. Florian's best friend is Jenny, a German girl who owns a bakery down the street. They've been best friends since they were kids. Jenny's been in love with Florian all her life but has never told him. Tonight, Florian has big plans: To ask Camille - the daughter of a French film director - to marry him. He bought the perfect ring, he hired the perfect band, he found the perfect restaurant. But... there's something he doesn't know about Camille.