Director Peter Sellars helms this provocative adaptation of George Frideric Handel's opera "Giulio Cesare," sung in the original Italian by soprano Susan Larson (who plays Cleopatra) and countertenor Jeffrey Gall (in the role of Julius Caesar) but set in a very different locale: a futuristic Middle East. Sellars personally wrote the English subtitles included in this version to match the tone he intended for his vision.
Um Julius Cäsar im Machtkampf mit seiner Schwester Cleopatra auf seine Seite zu ziehen, schenkt ihm der junge Pharao Ptolemäus den Kopf seines Rivalen Pompejus. Dies erzürnt den bereits in Cleopatra vernarrten Cäsar. Pompejus' Gattin Cornelia sinnt auf Rache, während Ptolemäus Cleopatra entführt...