Um seinen an Leukämie erkrankten sechsjährigen Sohn von der traurigen Wirklichkeit abzulenken, staffiert sich der Vater als Außerirdischer aus und entführt" den von Science-Fiction faszinierten Jungen in eine Alpenlandschaft, die wie aus einer anderen Welt anmutet. Dort eröffnet sich unversehens die Möglichkeit zur Heilung.
Felix, a six years old boy,is terminally -ill ;his dream is to meet an extra-terrestrial ;Nicolas ,his father will go out of his way to make his dream come true :he finds a flying saucer on a fairground and puts it in the yard ; ,he will play the part of the alien himself : he dresses up as a space traveler ,he becomes "Gawin " ;neither the doctors nor the mother approve of this mad plan;Felix marvels at his new friend and Nicolas decides to carry on with this foolish dream;.He sedates his child ,put the saucer in his van and takes it to the Alps not far away from the "Mer De Glace " ;when he wakes up,Felix does believe that Gawin flew him to his world , on a distant planet ;but the illness is still spreading...An old man lives near the glacier and he has his own medicine .