Zalata escapes from Egypt after divorcing his four wives and moves to a fictional town called Texico where he becomes a dangerous outlaw and later its governor. After he shoots the leader of a posse known as the Triggers, his sons vow revenge against him. When Zalata is killed during a combat, he urges his daughter Negma and his son Yellow Cloud to dispatch his nephew Metwalli Zalata from Egypt in order to fight the Triggers. Unknown to Negma and her brother that their cousin Metwalli is not courageous enough like his uncle.
يهاجر زلاطا إلى مدينة تيكسيكو، وهناك يصبح أحد أبطال المدينة، ويتولى حكمها، يموت، وتعود ابنته نجمة إلى مصر؛ للبحث عن متولي ابن شقيق زلاطا من أجل الانتقام من القاتل بيللي ذا كيد المستهتر، لكن متولي شخص مسالم تمامًا، ولا يصلح لأن ينتقم، يقرر الذهاب مع نجمة إلى المكسيك، وهناك يتغير كثيرًا.