The story centers around Mustang, at eighteen years of age, in a military boot camp. After encountering a group of seniors being cruel to an Ishvalan recruit named Heathcliffe Erbe, Mustang takes interest in Hughes, who is supposedly friends with them. The two soon become rivals, competing in various events. Mustang later catches the seniors picking on Heathcliffe again and gets into a fight with them before Hughes backs him up, having the same beliefs as Mustang. The three become friends and discuss their reasons for joining the military. Later, though, during the Ishvalan war, Mustang ends up fighting against Heathcliffe, who is killed by Hughes after shooting at Mustang. However, Mustang falls into despair before being confronted by Hughes, who has to hold in the pain of his sins so he can smile in front of his wife. Upon returning home, Mustang sees Hughes reuniting with his wife, and envies Hughes's strength.