1995年,为应对日益紧张的时局,军方组织大规模军事演习,为此筹建由各支部队抽调人员组成的“龙平特遣队”,而各部队也不含糊,趁机将平日表现不佳的问题青年们塞入特遣队中。由此,前帮派分子李大维(金城武 饰)、屡考屡败的补习生罗志坚(苏有朋 饰)、带牌师公曾志祥(林志颖 饰)与胖徒弟魏耀南等人有缘相聚,在队长(吴奇隆 饰)的调教下开始了艰苦的特遣队员生涯。然而这一班部队“精英分子”又怎能交出令上峰满意的成绩单?队员们差强人意,特遣队也日渐沦为令各部队嘲笑的“啦啦队”,知耻后勇的特遣队员们将队长从被撤职的边缘挽回,又在最终的正式军演中因机缘巧合立下了功勋……
With the rumor that Mainland China declare war on Taiwan, Captain Li Wei-Han was the newly appointed captain of a "Special Squad" unit which consist of misfits and rejects from other army units. When captain decides to give his soldiers a tough training, three soldiers: private Luo Zhi-Jiang (whose specialty is only studying and retaking college entrance exams and is a clumsy clots), private Li Ta-Wei (former triad member who previously served two-year prison sentence and now regrets his triad past), private Zeng Zhi-Xiang (self-appointed fortune teller master and wizard who can put a curse on someone) decide to play practical jokes on him. However, the four youths find that they have more in common than they realise and soon become fast friends.