The fine dining subculture of foodies. The interest in haute cuisine has grown exponentially. Now, we enter the world of one of the most influential people on the food scene - the foodie. A subculture of blogging food critics with a mission to eat at the best restaurants on earth. Through our close study, we get access to the world's most exclusive restaurants and get to know a group of slightly bizarre but charming food maniacs.
- Foodies: The Culinary Jet Set
Herkullinen ja tyylikäs dokumentti kulinaristien jet setistä, maailman huippuravintoloita kiertävistä ruokafriikeistä.
The fine dining subculture of foodies. The interest in haute cuisine has grown exponentially. Now, we enter the world of one of the most influential people on the food scene - the foodie. A subculture of blogging food critics with a mission to eat at the best restaurants on earth. Through our close study, we get access to the world's most exclusive restaurants and get to know a group of slightly bizarre but charming food maniacs.
Bland vita dukar och hisnande restaurangnotor lever kulinariska jet-setare i en värld som är stängd för de allra flesta av oss och de har kommit att bli en stor maktfaktor i matvärlden. Vi följer fem av världens mest högprofilerade matbloggare på jakt efter världens mest exceptionella och extrema matupplevelser.