The story follows four friends, Vicky (Zayed Khan), Karan (Dino Morea), Somil (Riteish Deshmukh) and Diklesh, often called Diku (Aashish Chaudhary). The four often attend Nightclub and drink alcohol together. One night, they witness a physical brawl, and Vicky comes up with the idea of making a "Fight Club," in which the participants will be allowed to fight physically. The night when the Fight Club is opened, Somil comes to know that his uncle, who brought him up and currently lives in Mumbai, has met some troubles. Some local gangsters want to take over the club of Somil's uncle to use it for drugs smuggling. After being firmly rejected, they threatened to kill him. Somil then leaves for Mumbai to help his uncle, leaving the other 3 boys running the Fight Club in Delhi.
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