Nella sezione “Programmi Speciali” della Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia, Rai Cinema, in collaborazione con la Direzione Teche, ha presentato Fellini racconta. Un autoritratto ritrovato di Pasquito Del Bosco. Quest’omaggio al grande cineasta riminese è il frutto di una attenta ricerca che ripropone al pubblico il materiale lasciato al tempo negli archivi della Rai. In accordo con la “Fondazione Fellini”, sono state utilizzate quelle pellicole che ritraggono l’autore nei momenti in cui ha rilasciato interviste, ha partecipato a festival e a manifestazioni internazionali. Ne emerge uno straordinario ritratto che offre un importante contributo alla conoscenza dell’autore e della sua poetica. Non solo, ma il film di Pasquito Del Bosco è soltanto uno dei lavori ultimati, a testimonianza del nuovo progetto di restauro del grande cinema italiano: “Il cinema e le sue storie. La memoria restaurata”...
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
Az archív anyagokból öszeállított filmben részleteket láthatunk a Fellinivel készült interjúkból és a filmjei forgatása kapcsán készült híradásokból az első önálló játékfilm, A fehér sejk időszakától egészen az Amarcord elkészültéig. Tudós elemzés helyett nyomon követhetjük, hogyan gondolkodott Fellini magáról, a világról és a moziról, amit a legcsodálatosabb játéknak tartott.
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
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