Um escultor vive obcecado com a criação da obra perfeita, que quer concretizar sob a forma de uma crítica social. Para tal, utiliza as vítimas marginalizadas de uma sociedade fútil e cada vez mais desprovida de valores humanos.
Entelekheia is a proposal for a journey to the deformity of a sick brain. In the course of this, we will begin to follow a path through the shadows of the mind searching for the ultimate meaning of art or beauty. Created with attention to aesthetic detail, this short intends to formulate a criticism of society and its absence of human values. Therefore, the film itself is a psychological thriller, involving a mixture of madness, suspense and fear, factors ensuring this will not be a journey to be forgotten. As this short is a true work of art, only one thing is missing... to make it public!
Português - Brasil
Português - Portugal