Plusieurs découvertes récentes d’archéologues et de chercheurs jettent un regard neuf sur la civilisation inca, à rebours d’un certain nombre d’idées reçues.
Herrscher über die Anden und erste Großmacht des amerikanischen Doppelkontinents: die Inka. Weil sie kein eigenes Schriftsystem hatten, wurde ihre Geschichte von ihren Feinden, den spanischen Konquistadoren, geschrieben. Technologische Fortschritte lieferten in den letzten Jahren nun neue Erkenntnisse über das geheimnisvolle Volk und stellen die Geschichte der Inka in neues Licht.
In the space of a hundred years, the Incas conquered from their capital, Cuzco, a disproportionate territory, extending, along the Pacific coasts, from Ecuador to present-day Chile. This immense empire, bringing together at the height of its power a hundred peoples and some 10 million inhabitants, brutally collapsed with the arrival in 1532 of the conquistadors, who exterminated 90% of its population and completed the submission of the survivors. . It was the richly illustrated Spanish chronicles of the time that for a long time constituted the main source for research: a history, therefore, largely written by the victors... But over the past fifteen years, several decisive discoveries have questioning certain assumptions inherited from these accounts, thus helping to give the Incas back their own voice.