The story of Elián Gonzalez, a five-year-old Cuban boy plucked from the Florida Straits, and how the fight for his future changed the course of U.S.-Cuba relations. Featuring personal testimony, interviews, and a news archive, this documentary recounts Elián’s remarkable rescue on Thanksgiving Day in 1999, after his mother and 10 others fleeing Cuba perished at sea, and the custody battle between the boy’s Cuban father and his Miami-based relatives.
- The Boy Who Changed America
The story of Elián Gonzalez, a five-year-old Cuban boy plucked from the Florida Straits, and how the fight for his future changed the course of U.S.-Cuba relations. Featuring personal testimony, interviews, and a news archive, this documentary recounts Elián’s remarkable rescue on Thanksgiving Day in 1999, after his mother and 10 others fleeing Cuba perished at sea, and the custody battle between the boy’s Cuban father and his Miami-based relatives.
The story of Elián Gonzalez, a five-year-old Cuban boy plucked from the Florida Straits, and how the fight for his future changed the course of U.S.-Cuba relations. Featuring personal testimony, interviews, and a news archive, this documentary recounts Elián’s remarkable rescue on Thanksgiving Day in 1999, after his mother and 10 others fleeing Cuba perished at sea, and the custody battle between the boy’s Cuban father and his Miami-based relatives.
The story of Elián Gonzalez, a five-year-old Cuban boy plucked from the Florida Straits, and how the fight for his future changed the course of U.S.-Cuba relations. Featuring personal testimony, interviews, and a news archive, this documentary recounts Elián’s remarkable rescue on Thanksgiving Day in 1999, after his mother and 10 others fleeing Cuba perished at sea, and the custody battle between the boy’s Cuban father and his Miami-based relatives.
El documental lanza preguntas sobre quién posee la verdad de la historia que refleja la de muchas otras historias de exilio, familias rotas y sueños arruinados.
Документальный фильм рассказывает историю Элиана Гонсалес, пятилетнего кубинского мальчика, которого выловили из Флоридского пролива в день благодарения в 1999 году. Его мать вместе с остальными беженцами погибла, началось противостояние между отцом Элиана и его родственниками из Майами, что привело к международному скандалу.
De vijfjarige Elián en zijn moeder vluchtten in 1999 per boot van Cuba naar de VS. Zijn moeder overleefde de oversteek niet. Elián werd drie dagen na vertrek bij Florida uit de zee gered. Zijn vader wil dat zijn zoon naar Cuba terugkomt, maar Cubaanse familieleden in Miami wil hem juist daar houden.
Asụsụ Igbo
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